Tegoroczne MEDK, jak wiadomo, odbędą się w dniach 5-7 maja 2018, na torze East Park w Wolverhampton.
Na zebraniu ICSF, które odbyło się podczas MŚ2017, uchwalono, że obowiązkową zasadą podczas imprez międzynarodowych będzie prowadzenie na żywo e-protokołów; u nas to całkiem poprawnie (z małymi wyjątkami - potwierdzającymi regułę) działa od kilku sezonów, a dla Wyspiarzy i Australijczyków to techniczna nowość - niektórzy przekonali się dopiero w momencie, kiedy zobaczyli to rozwiązanie (prowadzone podczas MŚ2017 przez obecnych tam Polaków za pomocą ... telefonu). Jednakże organizatorzy MEDK2018 tą próbę po raz pierwszy podejmą; z jakim skutkiem, to się okaże.
Szablony zostały przygotowane. Link do całego folderu MEDK znajduje się w kalendarzu (patrz zakładka Sezon 2018; nazwa folderu: East Park 2018) - tak samo jak wszystkie imprezy krajowe. Do "rozszyfrowania" schematu Mistrzostw potrzebny może się okazać jego szczegółowa rozpiska - poniżej zamieszczamy oryginał terminarza i regulaminu otrzymany od Sekretarza ICSF.
Mamy zapowiedź, że brytyjska strona "3318" również zamieści linki, jednakże do każdych zawodów osobno (u nas jest jeden link do całego folderu). Wobec tego, każdy będzie mógł wybrać formę mu wygodniejszą.
Pełny tekst Mike Hack'a (Sekretarza ICSF):
Park, Wolverhampton Saturday 5th
– Monday 7th May 2018 COMPETITION
Day 1 Saturday
5th May 5
team x 20 heats format
12:00 Round 1 Match A Leszno v Hethersett v Birmingham v East
Park v Stockport.
13:45 Round 1 Match B Gt. Blakenham v Newport v Torun v Kesgrave
v Ipswich.
15:30 Round 1 Match C Poole v Czestochowa v Wednesfield v
Horspath v Hull.
17:15 Round 1 Match D Coventry v Astley &Tyldesley v Ostrow
v Leicester v Sheffield.
Teams finishing on equal points in matches A, B, C and D will have a
1 rider run off to decide their match position.
These positions do not count for the preliminary ranking table
points, for example 2 teams finishing on equal race points (equal 3rd & 4th
place in Matches A, B, C and D) will both receive 2.5 points toward the
preliminary ranking table, but their run off will decide which match they race
in on day 2 only (matches E, F, G and H).
Day 2 Sunday 6th May 5 team x 20 heats format. Race team
positions decided by an open draw
10:00 Round
1 Match E 1st (match A),
2nd (B), 3rd (C), 4th (D), 5th (A)
11:45 Round
1 Match F 1st (match B),
2nd (C), 3rd (D), 4th (A), 5th (B)
13:30 Round
1 Match G 1st (match C),
2nd (D), 3rd (A), 4th (B), 5th [C]
15:15 Round
1 Match H 1st (match D),
2nd (A), 3rd (B), 4th (C), 5th (D)
Matches A to H will form a league table (preliminary ranking table).
Match winners will receive 5 points, second place will receive 4 points etc.
Should teams be equal in the points total, then equal teams will be
split by total race points over the 2 matches. Any teams still equal will be
split by a coin toss, except if teams are equal for 5th & 6th position in
the preliminary ranking table. Teams equal for position 5th & 6th on both
points and race points will have their position decided by a 1 rider run off.
Teams 1st to 5th in the preliminary ranking table progress to the
semi finals, teams from 6th to 20th race in the Repechagematches I, J and K.
Teams 1st to 5th in the preliminary table, will select which semi
final they race in and which team position they want to race, in the order 1st
to 5th.
16:40 Run off for positions
5th & 6th in the preliminary ranking table (if required).
16:45 Semi final draw for
team 1 to 5 in the preliminary ranking table, all team managers to be present.
Repechage Matches 5 team x 20 heats format Race
team positions decided by an open draw.
17:00 RepechageMatch
I 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th,
18:30 Repechage
Match J 7th, 10th, 13th,
16th, 19th
20:00 Repechage
Match K 6th, 11th, 12th,
17th, 20th.
The winners of Matches I, J and K progress
to the semi finals, the team with the highest number of race points will have
6th pick for the semi finals, next will have 7th pick.
If equal on race points this will be
decided by a coin toss.
Day 3 Monday 7th May 4 team x 16 heats format
- Draw by team managers
11:00 Semi
final 1 Match L 1st two teams to Grand Final, others
to B Final.
12:30 Semi
final 2 Match M 1st
two teams to Grand Final, others to B Final.
Finals -
Open Draw.
14:30 B
Final Match N To
determine teams 5th to 8th in the Championship
16:30 Grand
Final Match O To determine
teams 1st to 4th in the Championship.
Issued by Mike Hack, ICSF General
Secretary, 31/03/18.